In June 2023, the Schweizer KMU Pensionskasse informed the pension committees of its affiliated companies about the 2022 annual financial statements.
The 2022 business year, on the other hand, posed major challenges for all players on the capital markets. Within the legal regulations for pension funds, it was hardly possible to achieve positive investment results. As at 31.12.2022, the performance was -11.0% and the funded status was 93.4%. We expect the next few months to remain turbulent, but see positive trends.
Pension fund assets are invested for the long term. The Board of Trustees is convinced that the investment strategy of the Schweizer KMU Pensionskasse and its implementation will pay off in the long term and that the insured persons will benefit from good investment returns.
The most important figures on the annual financial statements are listed under “Key figures”. The detailed annual financial statement and other documents are available under “Downloads”.